Returns and Refund Policy

At Crafted Woodies (Paviksha Collection), we ensure that quality checks are done for products before shipping. However if the product is received in a damaged condition during transit, replacement will only take place if informed within 24 hours of receiving the order with video proof of unboxing of the parcel from Start to End. Tampered or edited video will not be accepted.

A refund can only be issued in case of unavailability of the same product. Refund will be initiated within 3-5 business days.

We currently do not have pickup option. So customer is requested to courier us back the damaged product via reputed courier services to an address requested by us and email/whatsapp us the courier receipt within 2 business days after the product is reported as damaged. If the product is not shipped back within 2 business days, refund/replacement will not be provided.

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